Uncommon and Uncomplicated

About Us

ORKA Holdings is a Southern California-based real estate operating company.  We acquire and reposition multifamily communities throughout Coastal California.  Our strategy capitalizes on our market knowledge, investment experience, superior research, and strategic partnerships to create insular, risk adjusted returns.  At ORKA, we are institutionally trained, yet decidedly entrepreneurial real estate professionals dedicated to our investor partners and community residents.

Our brand name is derived from the Orca Whale, a monstrous force, king of the ocean, and apex predator that determines the ecosystems of each oceanic community. Orca whales are highly intelligent, decidedly efficient, and work in packs – which is exactly what our brand aims to do today.

Our Mission

To provide the dedication, knowledge, and requisite skills to foster a successful outcome for each of our investor partners.

Our Vision and Values

We are goal-oriented, determined, and committed to working diligently for every investor partner, making certain our individual partner’s interest is fulfilled in a prompt and ethical manner. Our goal is to support our investor partners, safeguarding honesty and integrity in absolutely everything that we do.

Our Team